Embracing Change: My Journey Beyond AlgoBlocks

Joseph Kim
1 min readJun 11, 2024

I’m delighted to share a pivotal moment in my professional voyage. After an enriching tenure at AlgoBlocks, where I proudly served as CEO and Founder, I’m poised to embark on a thrilling new chapter.

During my time at AlgoBlocks, we achieved remarkable milestones, from substantial user growth to forging strategic partnerships that positioned us at the forefront of the DeFi landscape. However, as the industry evolves and fresh opportunities emerge, I’m seizing the chance to explore new avenues and leverage my expertise in innovative ways.

With over 15 years of experience spanning traditional finance, fintech, and blockchain technology, I’ve cultivated a unique perspective that I’m eager to share with the world. As a serial entrepreneur and thought leader, I’m committed to driving positive change and fostering innovation in the crypto space.

Looking ahead, I’m open to captivating opportunities in full-time roles, advisory positions, and collaborative projects. Whether it’s shaping the future of DeFi, investing into the next best thing, or co-founding the next groundbreaking initiative, I’m ready to make a meaningful impact.

I invite you to join me on this exciting journey by connecting with me here on Medium and on Twitter (@0xJosephK). Let’s stay connected and shape the future of finance together!

Thank you for your unwavering support, and I eagerly anticipate embarking on this exciting new adventure with each of you.

Warm regards, Joseph Kim



Joseph Kim

Ex-CEO & Founder of a Draper-backed DeFi smart wallet with 120K users. Sharing insights on crypto, DeFi, and blockchain innovation. Open to new opportunities