Liquidity Mining Mania: High Yields, Higher Risks in DeFi’s Wild West

Joseph Kim
4 min readJun 21, 2024


Traditional vault (stability) vs. DeFi miners rushing for crypto tokens (high yields, high risks). #DeFi #LiquidityMining


“Liquidity mining has emerged as a game-changer in DeFi, disrupting traditional finance with its permissionless approach and potential for exponential returns. However, this new frontier also presents unprecedented risks,”

…says Stani Kulechov, Founder of AAVE. Today, we delve into the world of liquidity mining, exploring its mechanics, comparing it to traditional financial products, and discussing its benefits, risks, and impact on the DeFi ecosystem.

What is Liquidity Mining?

At its core, liquidity mining involves providing liquidity to decentralized exchanges (DEXs) or other DeFi platforms in exchange for rewards, typically in the form of the platform’s native tokens. Users contribute their crypto assets to liquidity pools, enabling smooth trading on these platforms. In return, they earn a portion of the transaction fees and additional token incentives.

Traditional Financial Products vs. Liquidity Mining:

Liquidity mining shares similarities with traditional financial concepts like interest-earning savings accounts and dividend-yielding stocks. However, the key difference lies in decentralization and automation. As Lex Sokolin, Global Fintech Co-Head at ConsenSys, explains:

“While liquidity mining resembles traditional interest-bearing accounts or dividend stocks, it operates on a fundamentally different paradigm.”

Unlike traditional finance with its centralized control, DeFi leverages smart contracts for automated liquidity provision and reward distribution. This eliminates intermediaries but introduces the concept of caveat emptor, where users are responsible for their own due diligence. In traditional finance, regulations and laws protect depositors and investors, but in DeFi, it is caveat emptor. This difference is reflected in the yields or returns one can expect: DeFi tends to offer higher yields compared to traditional finance, reflecting the higher risk involved.

How it Works:

  • Deposit: Users deposit their crypto assets into a liquidity pool on a DEX or DeFi platform.
  • Rewards: Users earn rewards based on the amount of liquidity they provide and the duration they keep their assets in the pool.
  • Yield Farming: Some platforms allow users to “farm” additional tokens by staking their liquidity pool tokens in other DeFi protocols.

Market Magnitude:

The popularity of liquidity mining has surged, with billions of dollars locked in DeFi protocols. According to DeFi Pulse, as of today, Friday, June 21, 2024, the total value locked (TVL) in DeFi sits around a staggering $200 billion. This explosive growth underscores the widespread adoption and influence of liquidity mining in the DeFi space.

Risks and Dangers:

While liquidity mining offers lucrative rewards, it’s not without risks:

  • Impermanent Loss: When the value of the deposited assets changes significantly, users may experience a reduction in their initial investment compared to simply holding the assets.
  • Smart Contract Vulnerabilities: Bugs and exploits in smart contracts can lead to substantial losses.
  • Market Volatility: Crypto markets are notoriously volatile, which can impact the value of the tokens earned through liquidity mining.

Case Study: The SushiSwap Saga

A notable example of liquidity mining risks is the SushiSwap incident. SushiSwap, a DEX, experienced a dramatic rise and fall when its anonymous founder, Chef Nomi, cashed out a significant portion of the developer fund, causing panic and a sharp drop in the token’s value. Interestingly, Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF), the CEO of FTX, stepped in to stabilize the situation. SBF took over the project, restored confidence, and helped guide SushiSwap through the crisis, underscoring the importance of leadership and community trust in DeFi projects.

“The SushiSwap incident served as a stark reminder of the inherent risks associated with DeFi, particularly the vulnerability of smart contracts,” emphasizes Jackie Chen, CEO of


Liquidity mining represents a new frontier in the financial landscape, blending the principles of traditional finance with the innovative potential of blockchain technology. While it offers substantial rewards, investors must be mindful of the associated risks. As DeFi continues to evolve, liquidity mining will likely remain a vital component, driving further growth and innovation in the crypto space.

The DeFi space is rapidly evolving, presenting exciting opportunities alongside significant challenges. Are you a visionary founder seeking to navigate this dynamic frontier? Do you possess the expertise to help shape the future of DeFi?

I’m actively seeking collaborations with forward-thinking companies and individuals in the crypto space. If you’re looking for a seasoned professional with a deep understanding of DeFi and its intricacies, let’s connect! Reach out to me on LinkedIn or Twitter, and follow me for regular insights and in-depth analysis of the ever-evolving world of DeFi.

#LiquidityMining, #DeFi, #Blockchain, #Crypto, #YieldFarming, #SmartContracts, #Cryptocurrency, #DigitalAssets, and #RiskManagement



Joseph Kim

Ex-CEO & Founder of a Draper-backed DeFi smart wallet with 120K users. Sharing insights on crypto, DeFi, and blockchain innovation. Open to new opportunities